Welcome to ICT-HPCC22

12-13 July | Beijing | China

ICT-HPCC is an annual international conference supported by the Virtual Laboratory for Computational Chemistry (VLCC), Chinese Academy of Sciences. It covers topics from fundamental mechanisms and simulations in theoretical and computational chemistry to the development of related high performance computing applications. The 15th edition of this conference is expected to bring together scientists and researchers from overseas as well as domestic group to enhance information exchange and promote collaboration in the field.

This year’s conference is chaired by Prof. Stefan Knecht from Privatdozent@U. Mainz / Lead QC Researcher@Algorithmiq Ltd. We welcome discussions on topics in theoretical and computational chemistry in general, while special attention will be given to the following topics:

  •  Multiscale simulations of complex systems, large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning and quantum computational methods for molecular simulations;
  • Structural properties, interactions and dynamics of chemical, biological and material systems, methods for strong correlated electrons.

ATTENTION Registered Participants:Please login and edit your profile to submit the abstract of your presentation and choose your desired hotel room type and check-in/check-out dates. A Microsoft Word document is preferred for the abstract. Download a template here.

Invited speakers

Meet our most valued speakers

Guankui Long

Nankai University

Chong Sun

University of Toronto

Qingtong Zhou

Fudan University

Changguo Zhan

University of Kentucky

Jiajun Ren

Beijing Normal University

Haiyan Liu

University of Science and Technology of China

Philipp Marquetand

University of Vienna

Honghui Shang

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chen Cheng

Lanzhou University

Masaaki Saitow

Nagoya University

Yingjin Ma

Computer Network Information Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences

Lixin He

University of Science and Technology of China

Huanchen Zhai

California Institute of Technology

Stefan Knecht

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Zhendong Li

Beijing Normal University

Haibo Ma

Nanjing University

Sandeep Sharma

University of Colorado

Quan Phung

Nagoya University

Alberto Baiardi

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich

Haicang Zhang

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Computer Network Information Center of CAS

CAS Informatization Plaza No.2 | Dong Sheng Nan Lu|Haidian District | Beijing| China



东升南路2号院 | 海淀区 | 北京 | 中国



Academic Committee

Keli Han (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS)

Jun Li (Tsinghua University)

Xiangyuan Li (Sichuan University)

Wenjian Liu (Shandong University)

Zhigang Shuai (Tsinghua University)

Jinlong Yang (University of Science and Technology of China)

Organizing Committee

Xuebin Chi (Center of Scientific Computing Applications & Research, CAS)

Zhong Jin (Center of Scientific Computing Applications & Research, CAS)