Welcome to ICT-HPCC 2023

Nov 23-26 | Haikou | China

ICT-HPCC is an annual international conference hosted by the Computer Network Information Center (CNIC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). It covers topics from fundamental mechanisms and simulations in theoretical and computational chemistry to the development of related high performance computing applications.
The 16th edition of this conference is co-hosted by Hainan University, which is expected to bring together scientists and researchers from overseas as well as domestic group to enhance information exchange and promote collaboration in the field.

This year’s conference is chaired by Prof. Changguo Zhan from University of Kentucky. We welcome discussions on topics in theoretical and computational chemistry in general, while special attention will be given to the following topics:

  • Multiscale simulations, large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, and machine learning in computational chemistry, biology, and materials science;
  • Computational design of novel drugs and materials;
  • First-principles electronic structure calculations.

ATTENTION Registered Participants:Please login and edit your profile to submit the abstract of your presentation and choose your desired hotel room type and check-in/check-out dates. A Microsoft Word document is preferred for the abstract. Download a template here.

ATTENTION Registered Participants:Please login and edit your profile to submit the abstract of your presentation and choose your desired hotel room type and check-in/check-out dates. A Microsoft Word document is preferred for the abstract. Download a template here.

Invited speakers

Meet our most valued speakers

Ruibo Wu

Sun Yat-sen University

Jing Ma

Nanjing University

Changguo Zhan

University of Kentucky

Xin Xu

Fudan University

Qian Peng

Nankai University

Chenglong Li

University of Florida

John Zhang

New York University Shanghai

Shuhua Li

Nanjing University

Yiqin Gao

Peking University

Yinglong Miao

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Chaoyuan Zhu

South China Normal University

Yong Liang

Nanjing University

Zhe Li

Sun Yat-sen University

Jian Zhang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Zexing Cao

Xiamen University

Zhenyang Lin

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Shandong University

Fang Zheng

University of Kentucky

Yaoqi Zhou

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Mingyue Zheng

Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Defang Ouyang

University of Macau

Shengyong Yang

Sichuan University

Jun Gao

Huazhong Agricultural University

Guanhua Chen

The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Call for Submissions

  • Call for PRESENTATIONS and POSTERS are open.
  • Abstracts describing the proposed presentation or poster should be submitted through this site. Full-text submissions are welcome but not mandatory.
  • To submit an abstract after registration, please login and edit your profile page.
  • A template for the abstract can be found HERE.
  • Slots for oral presentations are limited. Submissions will be reviewed and acceptance notification will be sent out via email.
  • The duration of each oral presentation is 20 min including questions and discussions.
  • Size of all posters should be 90 cm * 120 cm (35.4 inch * 47.2 inch).
  • The deadline for abstract submission is Nov. 10

Fees and Payment

Make the payment by Nov. 17 to lock the Early Bird rates while they are available.

  • ¥1500 for EarlyBird
  • ¥1200 for EarlyBird
  • ¥2200 for EarlyBird


Hainan University

No 58, Renmin Avenue, Haikou, Hainan province,China



海南省海口市人民大道58号 | 海南| 中国

 Room Reservation Information: International Academic Exchange Center Hainan University (海南大学国际学术交流中心)
350RMB for a city-view room, 400RMB for a  lake-view room.

(Breakfast for 1 person included, 50 CNY charged for 1 more person’s breakfast)

 To choose your desired hotel room type, please login and edit your profile page.


Academic Committee

Jun Li (Tsinghua University)

Xiangyuan Li (Sichuan University)

Wenjian Liu (Shandong University)

Zhigang Shuai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Jinlong Yang (University of Science and Technology of China)

Organizing Committee

Zhong Jin (Center of Scientific Computing Applications & Research, CAS)

Haibing Luo (Hainan University)