Welcome to ICT-HPCC19

Nov.2-5 | Tianjin | China

ICT-HPCC is an annual international conference supported by the Virtual Laboratory for Computational Chemistry (VLCC) and the Center of Scientific Computing Applications & Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It covers topics from the advancement in theoretical chemistry to the development of related high performance computing software. The conference aims to bring together top theoretical chemists from all over the world and a large group of researchers from China to enable interactive exchange of the most recent advances in the field.

This year’s conference is chaired by Prof. Hans Lischka from Tianjin University. We welcome discussions on topics in theoretical and computational chemistry in general, while special attention will be given to the following topics:

  • Quantum chemical software development
  • Computational simulations in Material Science and Supramolecular Structures
  • Computational simulations of Excited State and Reaction Dynamics

Invited speakers

Meet our most valued speakes


Hokkaido University

Hans Lischka

Texas Tech University, University of Vienna


Northwest University, China

Zexing Cao

Xiamen University

Yongtao Ma

Shandong University

Quansong Li

Beijing Institute of Technology

Lluís Blancafort

Universitat de Girona

Youyong Li


Keli Han

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jian Liu

Peking University

Zhenggang Lan

South China Normal University

Weiquan Tian

Chonqqing University

Wensheng Bian

Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chaoyuan Zhu

South China Normal University

Dmitry Shalashilin

University of Leeds



Group rates are available for conference participants. To make a reservation through the conference, please register and login to choose your desired hotel room type on your profile page.


Academic Committee

Keli Han (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS)

Jun Li (Tsinghua University)

Xiangyuan Li (Sichuan University)

Wenjian Liu (Peking University)

Zhigang Shuai (Tsinghua University)

Jinlong Yang (University of Science and Technology of China)

Organizing Committee


Xuebin Chi (Computer Network Information Center, CAS)

Wenping Hu (Tianjin University)

Xiaoquan Lu (Tianjin University)

Secretary General

Zhong Jin (Computer Network Information Center, CAS)

Guangjiu Zhao (Tianjin University)